Monday, February 11, 2019

It has been some years...

But the memories seem clear!

Yah it has!  It has been too long since I have written on this blog site.  

The last time I was writing here was when we were in construction with our facility in Dearborn and Jesus had put in me to "walk"...!  And as a result of that admonition... I asked, "where?"  And it became apparent to me that if I was going to walk that I needed to 'walk' as far as I could go in Michigan.  And when I looked at the map, I Noticed that the fartherest place that we could 'walk'  in Michigan was to Mackinaw.  Yah!  Mackinaw, Michigan!  And when you think of Mackinaw you always think of "Big Mac" or the Mackinaw Bridge which we know is a five mile long suspension bridge!  
Then all the sudden I started thinking to myself, 'wow, how am I gonna walk that far?'  And the answer was... that I would have to get into shape!  And if I was going to get into shape, 'walking shape'... then I would need to walk!  What a novel idea!  And to walk with any degree of endurance, I would need to walk to be able to walk the distance!  Hm, it sounded right to me so I started figuring in my mind, about how to do this and came up with a plan.  

And wouldn't you know it, I thought to my self... OK, how far is it to Mackinaw from Dearborn?  So looking at a map, it was just a few miles over 300...!  

300?!!~ NO WAY!  And the idea at that point was simple overwhelming!  So much so that for a few days, the idea just wore me out thinking about it!  And on top of that, I could not get away from the idea!  And about a week later, I just decided to do it and to quit imagining that this was so impossible... So I devised a plan!

If I was going to walk 300 miles plus, I would need to practice walking at least 300 miles just to say to myself that I could actually do it, but thinking about driving 300 miles almost makes me tired, no less walking it!  

But I said to myself, 'OK, you are only going to do this if you get going and walk!  Just sitting around here fretting about how far it is, is not going to get you anywhere.  Failure is a given if you do nothing to prepare for this but if I make a plan and work that plan and get into shape like you know that you can do...' 
"This was something that I knew that could be done!"  Now I was beginning to believe that I could walk 300 miles but like eating an elephant... how do you do it?  The answer... "One bit at a time!"  Is it huge? You bet!  Is it tough?  You bet! Is it daunting?  You bet!  Is it overwhelming?  You bet!  But you get the prize of knowing that you this... but only if you don't quit!"  

So when I "decided" to do it, then the energy to start out; putting one foot in front of the other came like electricity surging through a light switch being turned on and I knew that 300 miles was only a goal and not an obstacle!  

And practically, I said... 'OK I will set a target date to commence the WALK of which it was just a few weeks over 3 months in preparation and this is how I "practiced" getting myself ready to do something that previously seemed impossible but now was only a challenge of which I could actually see 'the end result'... The Mackinaw Bridge!

Getting into shape...

So I woke up early one morning the first of May and repaired to walk 2 miles.  So I stretched and got my legs and body warmed up to walk and measured out the distance on a map and set out on a brisk walk without stopping or slowing down for a 2 solid miles!  

Then the next day, I did not walk.  My legs were tired! So I let them rest!  Then on the 3rd day I walked another 2 miles with the same intensity and then rested but I was not as tired.  Then I rested the next day.  

Then, on the next day I walked 4 miles and rested the day after that, then got back out there and walked 3 miles and rested again.  Then on the next day I bumped the distance up to 5 miles and in my mind that was a mile stone and after that a 5 mile walk.  Yah, I felt pretty good!  So I rested the next day.  

Then I distinctly remember setting my mind on the goal of walking 8 miles!  At first, it seemed like a huge mountain to climb but my endurance was building and the more I walked, the farther I could actually... walk!  The 8 miles came and went without a hitch.   

Then there was a 10 mile trek that was the next WALL 'so to speak' to climb!  

I remember leaving out from our house on Tireman Avenue and walking South down Wyoming to Ford Road and then from there, made my way over to Hines Dive and got on the asphalt walking track that wound it's way through the woods out of the Metro Area of Detroit.  Walking that trial or driving on the parkway makes you think that you are in the country side not the city and the Rouge River runs to the South of that parkway.  

It is an amazing ribbon of woods that winds its way in a general North Westerly Direction which originates in Dearborn and ends up out in Northville, Michigan.  

But this day,  I measured out 10 miles and and marked it on the map and when I reached that huge tree that was there on the North side of the road, I rested under it while I waited on Becky to pick me up.  I was amazed in my mind that I actually walked 10 miles without stopping!  At that time it was a huge accomplishment!  Then for the next day, I rested.

Then on the following day out, I walked another 10 miles and this time 'it seemed easier!'  I was getting in shape.  My endurance was building.  I my mind, I was beginning to see that I could actually do this; that it was doable!  

So, for the whole Summer, I see-sawed up the mileage scale for distance and plotted along until I accumulated 300 miles in distance for walking in my training.  So when I hit that mark of 300 miles; mentally, I knew that 'I could do this thing!'  It just so happened that it was two days before the scheduled start for  "Trey's Trek," North to Mackinaw!   

I actually felt good and rested the day before and caught my breath so to speak and got all my gear together; my walking sticks, my camel backpack which held a water bladder, my treats for energy, my shoes and hat and sun glasses, my cell phone with GPS tracking, etc... .
Then the day arrived to begin!  

Several of my friends who knew what I was up to, came and walked the first 10 miles with me.  Then we had lunch and after that we set out again, but a couple of them bowed out and the rest of us terkked on!  The first day was 23 miles total.  

It was accomplished and my friends were there to cheer us on at the end!   The first day was amazing!  It was like the first minutes of the first round of a wrestling match or the first game of a football season.  We were initiated and it was simply amazing!  It was just the beginning with many lessons to learn and new experiences to grasp!


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