Monday, June 27, 2011

A New Idea from those who want to help with 'Trey's Trek!'

Today, as I was corresponding with some of our close friends from out of State, they expressed a deep desire to come and make this trek with us!  But because of  'this or that', they would not be able to come!  So two different couples in the State of NC in different cities, suggested that they will get pledges from folks in their area and do the walk near to where they live!   This would take place the same time that we are walking to Mackinaw from Dearborn here in Michigan. 

Wow!  What an attitude!  What willingness to help!  What initiative!  What encouragment for us here in Michigan!  Thank you Jesus! 

One other person who lives in Alabama who went to High School with me said ... because of a knee injury, she would not be able to do this.  So in the flow of the conversation I suggested that she take the change that ended up in her pocket at the end of each day, from now until September and put it in a jar.  Then when September comes around, 'give' that change toward the project... She said "that would work!"  So another idea was born!  The Lord will provide!