Monday, October 24, 2011

Day TWO (e) (out of order) September 6th! Trey's Trek continued...

In the Shadow of the Cross!
Luke and I saw this on the ground!  It reminded us of the sacrifice that was made on our behalf!  Sobering to say the least!  But you never know when you are going to be confronted with the reality of what Jesus did for you.  So I try to keep my heart open for what He would show me and tell me!  Because if He is showing me something, He is actually 'telling' me something!  So paying attention is a good thing!  Being sober minded is a quality that can fit anywhere, anytime...even when we are enjoying ourselves!  Being alert 'in heart' keeps the lines of communication open and makes it where Jesus can 'call at any time' and will not get a 'busy' signal! 

This is our host for the 2nd night on Trey's Trek...
My Friend Steve showing me 'how to fish' Commerce Lake!
As we got closer to our destination today we walked through a residential neighborhood there in Commerce Township.  Our friends opened up their home to us for the night.  They live right on Commerce Lake!  It is a splendid place and the hospitality that they offered was awesome!   They even took us  fishing before dark!  That was a real treat!  Here are some photos of our evening!  
Steve caught supper for us!   He is a real fisherman! 
It is a wonderful thing to have friends!  Especially when they like you and you actually like them!  Those are the best kind!  
Mrs. Grace Halford!  Luke's Wife and our Daughter imitating Steve...
Grace who is "great with child" walked A LONG WAY yesterday with us up Hines Drive!  She is a real Trooper when it comes to getting involved with what Jesus is doing!  
"Trekking Trey" with a fishing rod!   Also imitating Steve!  "Sooner or later... here fishy, fishy...!"
Steve really was an awesome fisherman the day we went out with him!  We did eat that Wall Eye that he caught for Supper and eventually I was able to hook one and reel it in!  It has been a long time since I have fished and on top of that, catch one!
I am the "Bass Man" on the boat today!  LOL!!!
To say the least, our second day of walking for "Trey's Trek" was interesting, eye opening and fun!  Now don't kid yourself... we did get tired but the hospitality of our friends Steve and Raina really helped ease the pain of sore feet, tired legs and aching backs!  Thank "Ya'll!"  You were a 'reel' blessing, as was Matthew the night before who was in the middle of moving his home from Phymouth the Detroit!  Brother, you were a gracious host in the middle of all your packing!  Bless you!
Commerce Lake at Dusk! A wonderful sight at the end of an awesome day!
We spend some time praying for Dearborn and Dearborn Assembly before we went to sleep.  I wish  it would have been different but it was another rough night of sleep!  The morning would come with a new day to Trek through and another friend to join me!  What would happen tomorrow?  Only the Lord knows but at least I would have the assurance the He would walk with us!  Thank you Jesus!

With my feet still on the Ground! (facing North!)

Simply Trey

Day TWO (d) (out of order) September 6th! Trey's Trek continued...

Racoon Paw... that's all!
This leg of the Trek to Mackinaw proved to be the 'deadliest' part of the trip for the whole 300 plus miles!  Let me explain!  
"Dead" snake by Wixom Road... you don't really see many of these in Michigan! 

Even as we moved North, we saw more dead animals on the side of the road,  from Northville Township to Commerce, than we saw on any other leg of the Trek.  There were so many of them that I started taking pictures of them.  Then I thought to my self... 'what are you gonna do with all of those photos of dead animals?   Even my son in law, Luke who was walking with me today said, that it seems that the "theme" for the day has to deal with 'death' since there are so many dead animals beside the road.

Well, I thought to myself!  'Somebody has to notice this!'  But most of the time we are so stinking busy these days; running here and there and 'doing this and that', that almost anything that is not on our own personal radar... that gets in our way, just gets run over!  So, I thought about that for a minute and came up with a conclusion that ... "YEP, THAT'S PRETTY MUCH WHAT I DO when I really get going (in my own little world)!" But thinking this through... brought to mind some other 'situations' that I have been involved with that have lead to outcomes that not only affected me personally... but others as well!   Sometimes it wasn't good!

Let me see if I can illustrate this. Check this out!  Do you know what this is?  No! It "ain't" a 'cat' with a racing stripe! 
"Pole Cat" in 'Southern' English, but "SKUNK" in regular English 
Literally, these critters... raise a stink!  A stink that affects everything!  A lasting stink that goes everywhere and gets into everything if they 'demonstrate!'   If any of you have been around an area that a 'skunk' has 'sprayed,' you will understand their effectiveness and their far reaching 'influence.'  And let me tell you.... the physical chemical make up of their spray which is really potent... most 'household remedies' according to Wikipedia "are simply ineffective" in getting rid of it.  But there is this peroxide formula that will help break down the chemical composition of the actual STUFF that is 'emitted' by the 'Pole Cat' if 'they figure' that there is some sort of threat to them!   I know some people like this!  Just the slightest intimation that they will be confronted will elicit... well, lets move on!
So to be helpful today...I want to give you the link to a Wikipedia Web page that will help you if you have been confronted with a skunk and want to resolve the issue!

So I can't help but think that there is a "strong" parallel lesson here for those of us who will pay attention to it. This is what I am thinking...

Sometimes in our attitudes and actions we get to thinking that we are just the 'cat's meow!'   With that; there are times we are not aware that our pride has overtaken our sensibilities in regards to our actions and or our attitudes and we end up disregarding others because of what 'we want.'  Selfishness becomes a huge contributor to this!   

In thinking this through... after seeing that dead skunk, I began to see that... we, like those skunks, can also really raise a stink!  And just like a skunk, our attitudes and actions can and do affect everything around us!  It can be a lasting 'stink' that goes everywhere and gets into everything if we don't allow the Holy Spirit to "put a knot in our tail", so to speak!   

Just think of a time when you have been in an area where someone or even yourself has had a 'skunky'  attitude or an action that just 'sprayed,' everything and everybody!  Even innocent people who are not involved, who are just passing by are also affected as well!  Now think back on the effects of what was 'spewed', and how it made folks  react afterwards.  Was it pleasant?  Did they remember the smell?  Do 'they' remember you?  Do they tend to avoid you the next time you show up?  Just asking!  It is something to think about.

So let me tell you what I know.... the make up of that spiritual 'Pole Cat' spray, which is really potent and damaging to relationships and situations is very difficult to fix!  In most cases... a simple "I am sorry...!"  will not remedy that offensiveness according to reality! 

But there is this real life formula that will help break down that 'lethal, spiritual, composition' of the actual offensive trespass and it is this;  "Repentance and Restitution!"   Turning completely around 180 degrees from your "Pole Cat" attitudes and ways and repairing what you affected by repaying or restoring what you damaged... is the answer.  But in practical terms, repairing what you damaged may be beyond your own ability, which in your case, you will have to have someone else replace what you destroyed or pay for it for you.     

So this is where Jesus comes in and this is not just some 'pie in the sky' stuff!  Some things that we have done in our past are just down right despicable and evil and there is no way possible, humanly speaking, to repair what we did.  So humbling ourself in admitting that we were wrong and doing what we can to remedy those situations is certaintly moving in the right direction.   So making things right is critical in bringing reconciliation.  

But still, there are costs involved in making restitution.  Forgiveness cannot be granted until justice is done!   Some restitution is so expensive that our very lives are required of us!  So what do we do?  The answer is this; go to Jesus!  If you haven't  already heard this; He has already paid a price for you with His own life that was a ransom for all of your sin (actually, all the crud that you stirred up) and He personally did not even do one single thing wrong... but He paid your penalty for you anyway, knowing that without His sacrifice, (on your behalf) that you would be facing 'life in prison' or 'the death penalty!'  Just thinking about this gives me the "willies!"  

You may ask yourself...'Why would He do such a thing?  Maybe you have heard this before and for you, it was just a glib 'cliche!'  But, "yes... Jesus does love you!"  This is why He did what He did in taking your punishment... specifically for you... yes,  just for you!  

This is my challendge!  If you can find a better way to clean up the 'skunk' in your life... have at it... but like Wikipedia said... the known remedies are simply "ineffective!"  In reality, there is only one thing in this realm that we live in that can totally remove and repair the 'skunks' in all of us!  That is the blood of Jesus!  

Simply Trey

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day TWO (c) (out of order) September 6th! Trey's Trek continued...

The Trek to Mackinaw is progressing!  When we walk from place to place the scenery is constantly changing, how be it- ever so slightly, since we are on foot.

So today when we walked from Northville Township to Commerce Township on our way up to Mackinaw, MI, the scenery  constantly transitioned from 'city' to 'residential', from residential to 'rural', from rural to just down right 'in the woods' and then back to residential again!  So we noticed that there were signs along the way that 'tell' you...'your where a 'bouts!'
Sign says.... "you ain't in more!"  Watch your step!
And you will notice in this photo above that there is a rubber 'hose' that stretches across the road that is  connected to some sort of 'counter' that calculates the amount of traffic that 'steps on this hose' as the horses actually pass by here!  That has to be the reason for the sign!!!  Why else would a horse be on a big yellow sign like this on the side of the road? OK... just horsing around!

Anyway...signs are important!  'Signs' tell us about whats coming next!  They tell us when and where to stop!  They tell us when and where to yield!  They tell us that there is a bump or a dip or a curve or "slippery when (the road is) wet!"  All of these are 'warning' signs, communicating what is ahead "down the road."  They are placed there for our safety and it is for our own good and the good of everyone else on the road that we pay attention to those signs when we travel along.

Come to think about it... when a person is entertaining the responsibility of obtaining a Driving License, they have to study 'the official driving book'!   The content of that official rule book for driving... in any given state includes 'knowing the signs,' along with 'knowing the rules' of the road in any particular state wherein you desire to be licensed as a driver.  From every book that I have ever seen for those who are 'taking the drivers test' in any particular State or Country, is a section in the driving textbook that actually shows us what the signs look like. We need to study those 'signs' so when they show up 'on the road' that... first of all 'we will recognize' the signs and secondly that 'we will obey' the sign because that sign corresponds to the reality of the road!  And if we don't pay attention to the signs, we put ourselves and others who travel on the same road ... in danger!  So it is important to 'know the signs'; 'heed the sign's warnings and obey them!

For example, if there are signs, like STOP!  We need to stop!  We better stop... because there may be 'on coming traffic' that we can't see from where we are, at the moment.   Or, an intersection with a stop sign that hides our approach but the other oncoming vehicles don't have to stop from their direction because it is a blind intersection that obscures our view of their approach but they can see us.   We just don't want to end up plowing through that "STOP" sign and end up crashing into whoever is there, to our own detriment and maybe heavy loss.

I know some folks who are so anxious when they drive a vehicle that a stop sign is just 'a pretty red sign that has words on it...' and nothing more!  They don't heed the communication and because of their selfishness; damage, destruction and sometimes death occurs!   A simple sign communicating truth about any given situation that we are approaching while driving is essential to safe and effective travel.

In life, there are signs also that are placed before us that communicate realities that need to be heeded!  If we disregard those signs we end up being damaged, wrecked or wiped out...emotionally, physically, mentally, morally, monetarily or spiritually!  Of course, the worst kind of damage that can be sustained from not heeding the signs in life, is the loss of our very souls.  Signs that communicate, "the soul that sins will die."  Or, "if you don't forgive your brother who sins against you, how do you expect God to forgive you, your sins?"  I think that sometimes we just "run" those STOP signs and think that we can just make it through those intersections of hard decision with out a scratch or not ever getting a ticket!  Well, think again!  SIN KILLS!  Period!  Don't go there!  Don't run that sign!

The sign of Death which we face, every time we attend a Funeral constantly says "there is an end to this road!"  Get ready!  "PREPARE to STOP!"  None of us are going to make it out of this life alive!

Yah, Yah, I can hear some of you Christians out there right now, say... 'that's not right....Jesus is coming back and the rapture will take place and we who are alive when He comes, will rise to meet the Lord Jesus in the Clouds..."  OK, for ya'll who are "Born Again" that is a real possibility but for those who don't know anything about that... they are going to be dealing with the reality that DEATH is THE END here, then THE Judgement which is guaranteed to be their condemnation!   And that, that intersection of decision  in their life must be heeded; it must be obeyed in order for them to be saved from the spiritual "car wreck" that will come!  STOP!  LOOK!  & LISTEN!   Stop sinning long enough so Jesus can get your attention!  Look for His way of escape in whatever situation you find yourself, so you can recognize that you need His help!  Listen to His voice, because He will speak to you about your life and give you the answer to your dire situation!  Scripture says "call on me and I will show you great and mighty things you do not know."  That is a promise!  Let your heart respond to it!

'nough for now...

With my feet on the Ground

Simply Trey

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day TWO (b) (out of order) September 6th! Trey's Trek continued...

This Family affected the whole area!
As Luke and I headed up Beck Road from the corner of 7 Mile and Beck; we reached Grand River and headed North-West paralleling I-94.  Then we turned North again and walked up Wixom Road past the Ford plant that is now closed down.  Right there where the plant is located is the old Samuel Morse Home place (the man who invented the Morse Code). As a matter of fact, Becky, My wife's Grand Pa, "Rollin Morse Severance" was a direct descendant of Samuel.  Neat stuff!!!

Anyway...this house that is in front of me in this photo was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wire.  They were some of the first folks in the area and lived their lives with integrity!  Their Godly witness and ministry to this community was evidenced by the sign that now stands there in Wixom near their former home that I am standing by!  It is folks like this, who live life with abandon and touch others with the Love of Jesus that make a difference in whole Nations and certainly small communities like Wixom!  'Money', comes and goes and can disappear in a heart beat!  'Stuff,' comes and goes and breaks,  Pleasures, last for only a little while but those folks who invest themselves in the lives of others as representatives of Jesus Christ have a lasting affect, long after they go to be with Jesus!  Then there are the benefits of Eternal life that just keep on giving!  That is an awesome thought!

The Wire House
This home was the heart beat of this area in regards to ministering to the needs of the people who were pioneers who came to Wixom.  The Marker across the Street reports a bit of what benefit this family and their home was to the area!

Just thinking about how hard it is for folks in the Detroit area these days in regards to economic issues and the  stress it causes families.  Pondering the days of the early to mid or latter 1800's can be sobering in comparison!  Knowing what they 'did not have' in regards to transportation such as automobiles and planes, furnaces in their homes and air conditioner units that keep us 'just right,' and just the "difficulty" it was in obtaining food and goods that were necessary to sustain life 'on the frontier!'   I don't think that we have anything to complain about, really! Things that we are used to "having", by just 'going to the store' and being able to purchase a gallon of milk with money we have left over from the Ice Cream we just purchased at COLD STONES or Coffee we drank from STAR BUCKS!  Getting a gallon of milk in 1850 was an ordeal!  "It was utter work!!!"  The "McDonalds Culture" has made us forget what real life is like!    I do believe we have gotten a bit soft in our 'modern era!'

And you know, thinking about the Wire Family and the struggle just to LIVE 'out there' on the Frontier and survive, not to mention opening up their tiny house to the whole area for services and ministry!  In some ways we who live in this day should be really challenged to not be so 'isolated' in our attitudes and actions.  Especially us "White Folks" who are most of the time trying to 'get away from people who are different from us!' We should keep in mind that this place is not our home!  Yah, there is nice stuff 'out there' but compared to what is coming...  It does not even hold a candle's light of significance in comparison!  Like Keith Green used to say, "this is like living in a garbage can compared to what is up there!"  So what are we building for ourselves?  Are we so short sighted that the 'here and now' is what dictates who we are and how we live and what we do?  I say... NA NA!   Let's use what we have right now to reach out where we are in whatever situation we find ourselves in!   You never know!  A tornado or a flood or 'God Forbid', an earthquake would flatten everything that we consider precious to us and then where would we be?   I just can't get away from Jesus's words about treasures here on this earth and where we need to be 'laying up' for ourselves!   I think that the way to do that is for us to do for others so when He comes for us, we will have deposited with Him Treasures in Heaven that no junk here on this earth can touch!  Halleluia!
OK... 'nough said about that!

With my feet on the Ground!

Simply Trey